Site Map:
AI's Tolerable Limits
Notes on Reconciliation III
Notes on Reconciliation II
Notes on Reconciliation I
Advancing Reconcilation
What is Systemic Racism?
Notes on the debate for Your Stories Our History
Dangerous Technological Inhibitions to Democracy
Highrise buildings: A slow poison to downtown vitality
Seniors’ Discounts: a Value Beyond Economics
On Defunding Public Health
"Ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive, ee-lim-in-ate the negative."
The Trap of Unbalanced Growth
Proposal: City Investment in Retirement Homes
KEDCO Review Committee Minority Report
Multiculturalism 2.0
Policing in 21st Century Kingston
The North Korean “Threat” is of Our Making and We Can Help Resolve it
What Kind of City Do We Want?
Notes on seven speeches against the third crossing
Speech on the issue of the Commodore's Cove Lighting
Proactive politics – What is the role of a City Councillor?
Speech on a motion to AMO to ask the province to close the fiscal gap
Speech at Council for why I voted against the 223 Princess St development application
Speech against 223 Princess St at Planning Committee
Are We in for a Rough Ride?
Holiday Shopping Speech
Protecting Freedom and Civil Society
KEDCO Review Committee
In support of CoP 21 Speech
We Need A Basic Income Guarantee
The Expansion of the Kingston Airport
The Advancement of Democracy
Fiscal Prudency in Urban Planning
Ideas for a New North End
A Living Wage is Economic Development
Non Tax Revenue
Central Banks, Interest Rate and the Business Cycle
Changing Markets: Robert Reich has a Plan: Rebuild Trust
Incorporating considerations of health impacts into land use development approval processesDevelopment of a health background study framework
Does Affordable Housing Detrimentally Affect Property Values?A Review of the Literature
Paging Inspector Sands:The Costs of Public Information
Suburban SprawlExposing Hidden Costs, Identifying Innovations
Incorporating considerations of health impacts into land use development approval processes:Development of a health background study framework
Casinos, Crime, And Community Costs
The Terrorism DelusionAmerica's Overwrought Response to September 11
China's Century?Why America's Edge Will Endure
Who Suffers During Recessions?
Status Seekers:Chinese and Russian Responses to U.S. Primacy
Long Time Going:Religion and the Duration of Crusading
Bad Debts:Assessing China's Financial Influence in Great Power Politics
China's Naval Nationalism:Sources, Prospects, and the U.S. Response
A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas
An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?
The Social Market Roots of Democratic Peace
The Pursuit of The Ideal
Nationalism:Past Neglect and Present Power
Money, Prices, and Capital:An Austrian Approach to Macroeconomics
Explaining Malinvestment and Overinvestment
A Geriatric Peace?The Future of U.S. Power in a World of Aging Populations
The Counter-Enlightenment
Illicit Activity and Proliferation:North Korean Smuggling Networks
The Originality of Machiavelli
What Terrorists Really Want:Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy
How American Treaty Behavior Threatens National Security
Closing Time:Assessing the Iranian Threat to the Strait of Hormuz
Assessing the Dangers of Illicit Networks:Why al-Qaida May Be Less Dangerous Than Many Think
Making the World Safe for Partial Democracy?Questioning the Premises of Democracy Promotion
Why Resistance Works:The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
The Rise of Afghanistan's Insurgency:State Failure and Jihad
Text Crawls
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
23 Things they Don't Tell You About Capitalism
Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
The Cleanest RaceHow North Koreans See Themselves - And Why It Matters
The Cleanest RaceHow North Koreans See Themselves - And Why It Matters
The Cleanest RaceHow North Koreans See Themselves - And Why It Matters
Escape From Freedom
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
The Prince
The Prince
The Prince
The Prince
Philosophy Hammer Summaries
226. Olivia Fox Cabane II: The Charisma Myth, Four Types of Charisma
225. Olivia Fox Cabane I: The Charisma Myth, What is Charisma
224. Max Gunther: The Luck Factor
223. Peter Senge I: Team Learning: Dialogue and Discussion
222. Christian Smith III: Dominant Narratives
221. Christian Smith II: Belief Fills Morality and Makes Life Possible
220. Christian Smith I: Moral, Believing Animals
219. Alain de Botton I: The Architecture of Happiness
218. Jonathan Haidt III: Morality Binds and Blinds
217. Jonathan Haidt II: There's More to Morality than Harm and Fairness
216. Jonathan Haidt I: The Righteous Mind, Intuitions 1st Reasoning 2nd
215. Edward O Wilson VII: Ethics and Religion
214. Edward O Wilson VI: The Bottle Neck & On Free Will
213. Edward O Wilson V: Resuming the Enlightenment Quest
212. Edward O Wilson IV: The Biological Diversity Crisis
211. Edward O Wilson III: The Conservation Ethic
210. Edward O Wilson II: Comparative Social Theory
209. Edward O Wilson I: Sociobiology: The New Synthesis
208. Friedrich Nietzsche I: The Superman's Three Metamorphoses, The Camel, The Lion, and The Child
207. Isaiah Berlin III: Virtue of Pluralism
206. Isaiah Berlin II: Negative and Positive Freedom
205. Isaiah Berlin I: Two Concepts of Liberty
204. Jane Jacobs XI: Cities and the Wealth of Nations, Transactions of Decline
203. Jane Jacobs X: Cities and the Wealth of Nations, National Faulty Feedback
202. Jane Jacobs IX: Cities and the Wealth of Nations, Balanced Economic Development
201. Jane Jacobs VIII: Cities and the Wealth of Nations, Cities' Economic Development
200. E.F. Schumacher V: Small is Beautiful, Smallness within the Large
199. E.F. Schumacher IV: Small is Beautiful, Intermediate Technology
198. E.F. Schumacher III: Small is Beautiful, Three Crises of Rejection
197. E.F. Schumacher II: Small is Beautiful, The Overemphasis on the Large
196. E.F. Schumacher I: Small is Beautiful, Incorrect Economic Assumptions
195. Erich Fromm VI: On Disobedience
194. Erich Fromm V: Escape From Freedom, The Mature Individual
193. Erich Fromm IV: Escape From Freedom, The Automaton Conformist Character
192. Erich Fromm III: Escape From Freedom, A Pycho-social Hystory
191. Erich Fromm II: Escape From Freedom, Primary Ties and Maturity
190. Erich Fromm I: Escape From Freedom, The Desire to Escape from Freedom
189. Craft & Regan et al. III: Pathways of Reconciliation
188. Craft & Regan et al. II: Pathways of Reconciliation
187. Craft & Regan et al. I: Pathways of Reconciliation
186. Daniel Bertrand Monk & Andrew Herscher II: The Global Shelter Imaginary
185. Daniel Bertrand Monk & Andrew Herscher I: The Global Shelter Imaginary
184. Edgar Villanueva II: Decolonizing Wealth, How to Heal
183. Edgar Villanueva I: Decolonizing Wealth, Indigenous Wisdom
182. Joseph A. Schumpeter I: Development
181. Aldous Huxley II: Psychedelics; The Doors of Perception II
180. Aldous Huxley I: Psychedelics; The Doors of Perception
179. Eric Berne III: Games People Play, Games and the Intimacy Experiment
178. Eric Berne II: Games People Play, Procedures, rituals, Pastimes
177. Eric Berne I: Games People Play, Stimulus Hunger
176. Jean Baudrillard VIII: The Violence Done to the Image
175. Jean Baudrillard VII: Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared?
174. Camille Paglia VIII: Sexual Personae and other works
173. Camille Paglia VII: Homosexual Personae and Prostitution
172. Camille Paglia VI: Trans Sexual Personae, Voyeurism, and Sadomasochism
171. Camille Paglia V: The Amazon, the Dandy, Alchemy, & Astrology
170. Camille Paglia IV: The Beautiful Boy & Gothic Horror
169. Camille Paglia III: The Femme Fatale
168. Camille Paglia II: Men's Delusions and Civilizational Progress
167. Camille Paglia I: Sexual Personae: Foundations of Art History
166. Slavoj Žižek XIII: Living in the End Times: Acceptance: The Cause Regained
165. Slavoj Žižek XII: Depression: The Neuronal Trauma, or, the Rise of the Proletarian Cogito
164. Slavoj Žižek XI: Bargaining: The Return of the Critique of Political Economy
163. Slavoj Žižek X: Anger: The Actuality of the Theologico-Political
162. Slavoj Žižek IX: Living In The End Times: Intro and Denial
161. Giorgio Agamben I: Taste
160. Elizabeth Anderson IV: Cases Studies: Marriage & Pregnancy Contracts
159. Elizabeth Anderson III: The Art of Separation
158. Elizabeth Anderson II: The Expressive Theory of Rationality
157. Elizabeth Anderson I: Value in Ethics and Economics
156. Jacques Rancičre III: The Rationality of a Hatred
155. Jacques Rancičre II: Hatred of Democracy: Voting & Representation
154. Jacques Rancičre I: Hatred of Democracy: The New Modern Hatred
153. Judith Butler XI: Non-Thinking in the Name of the Normative; The Claim of Non-Violence
152. Judith Butler X: Torture and the Ethics of Photography: Thinking with Sontag; Sexual Politics, Torture, and Secular Time
151. Judith Butler IX: Frames of War: Survivability, Vulnerability, Affect
150. Henry A. Giroux: The Violence of Organized Forgetting
149. Tiffany Watt Smith: Schadenfreude: The Joy of Another’s Misfortune
148. Slavoj Žižek VIII: Violence: The Antinomies of Tolerant Reason & Tolerance as an Ideological Category & Divine Violence
147. Slavoj Žižek VII: Violence: Fear Thy Neighbour as Thyself & A Blood-Dimmed Tide is Loosed
146. Slavoj Žižek VI: Violence: Six Sideways Glances; SOS Violence
145. Byung-Chul Han XV: Consensus, Transparency, & Positivity
144. Byung-Chul Han XIV: Systematic Violence & The Micro-Physics of Power
143. Byung-Chul Han XIII: Topology of Violence: Politics, Law, & Macro-Logic
142. Byung-Chul Han XII: Psyche & Politics: Friend & Enemy
141. Byung-Chul Han XI: Topology of Violence: Topology and Archeology
140. Byung-Chul Han X: In The Swarm: Modern Ghosts and Psychopower
139. Byung-Chul Han IX: In The Swarm: Demediatization, Digitality & The Gaze
138. Byung-Chul Han VIII: In The Swarm: Outrage Society
137. Byung Chul Han VII: Saving Beauty: Actually Saving Beauty
136. Byung Chul Han VI: Saving Beauty: the Aesthetics of Injury and Disaster
135. Byung Chul Han V: Saving Beauty: Impoverished Beauty
134. Emily Esfahani Smith, II: Belonging, Purpose, Storytelling, Transcendence
133. Emily Esfahani Smith I: The Power of Meaning: Pillars of Meaning
132. Byung Chul Han IV: The Agony of Eros: Logos, Thumos, and Eros
131. Byung Chul Han III: The Agony of Eros: Bare Life
130. Byung Chul Han II: The Agony of Eros: Achievement Society
129. Byung-Chul Han I: The Agony of Eros: Modern Threats to Love
128. Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum: Blockchain 2.0
127. Satoshi Nakamoto: The Bitcoin Blockchain
126. Jane Jacobs VII: Systems of Survival: Monstrous Hybrids
125. Jane Jacobs VI: The Guardian & Commercial Moral Syndromes
124. Jane Jacobs V: Systems of Survival: Moral Foundations of Commerce & Politics
123. Jane Jacobs IV: The Nature of Economies: Economy & Ecology Science
122. Jane Jacobs III: Export Expansion and Import Replacement
121. Jane Jacobs II: The Reciprocating Systems and Process of Development
120. Jane Jacobs I: The Economy of Cities: The Nature, Conditions, and Methods of Economic Development
119. Jürgen Habermas III: Struggles for Recognition in the Democratic Constitutional State
118. Charles Taylor V: Multiculturalism, The Politics of Recognition
117. Jürgen Habermas II: An Awareness of What is Missing, Faith and Reason in a Post-Secular Age
116. Cornel West I: Prophetic Religion and the Future of Capitalist Civilization
115. Judith Butler VIII: Is Judaism Zionism? Messianic Secularism
114. Judith Butler VII: Is Judaism Zionism? Judaism, Jewishness, and Zionism; Diaspora & Cohabitation
113. Charles Taylor IV: Why We Need A Radical Redefinition of Secularism
112. Jürgen Habermas I: The Political, The Rational Meaning of a Questionable Inheritance of Political Theology
111. Jocelyn MacLure & Charles Taylor IV: Accommodation & Social Justice
110. Jocelyn MacLure & Charles Taylor III: The Place of Religion in Public Space
109. Jocelyn MacLure & Charles Taylor II: Ends and Means
108. Jocelyn MacLure & Charles Taylor I: Secularism and Freedom of Conscience; Moral Pluralism, Core Beliefs, and Political & Social Secularization
107. Charles Taylor III: The Malaise of Modernity; The Work of Retrieval
106. Charles Taylor II: Soft Relativism & Horizons of Significance
105. Charles Taylor I: The Malaise of Modernity; The Ethics of Authenticity
104. Marilyn Waring VIII: Glimpsing The Whole
103. Marilyn Waring VII: Two Ameliorations to the UNSNA
102. Marilyn Waring VI: The Markets for Reproduction and Life
101. Marilyn Waring V: The Value of Death & the Economics of Reproduction
100. Marilyn Waring IV: Census, Tax Code, Hidden Economy & Environment
99. Marilyn Waring III: The Household as a Problem for Women in the UNSNA
98. Marilyn Waring II: The UNSNA a History
97. Marilyn Waring I: Who is really productive?
96. Carol J. Adams VI: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory
95. Carol J. Adams V: Vegetarian Literature
94. Carol J. Adams IV: Frankenstein's Monster; Bearing the Vegetarian Word 2
93. Carol J. Adams III: From the Belly of Zeus; Bearing the Vegetarian Word
92. Carol J. Adam II: Objectification, Fragmentation, Consumption and the Absent Referent
91. Carol J. Adams I: The Patriarchal Texts of Meat
90. Michel Foucault XII: The Repressive Hypothesis
89. Michel Foucault XI: The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century & we 'Other Victorians'
88. Michel Foucault X: Right of Death and Power Over Life
87. Michel Foucault IX: The Carceral & Space, Knowledge and Power
86. Michel Foucault VIII: Complete and Austere Institutions & Illegalities and Delinquency
85. Michel Foucault VII: The Means of Correct Training & Panopticism
84. Michel Foucault VI: The Body of the Condemned & Docile Bodies
83. Michel Foucault V: The Great Confinement & The Birth of the Asylum
82. Michel Foucault IV: Nietzsche, Genealogy, History & What Is an Author?
81. Michel Foucault III: What is Enlightenment? & Truth and Power
80. Judith Butler VI: Promiscuous Obedience and What Is Critique?
79. Judith Butler V: Competing Universalities
78. Judith Butler IV: Melancholy and Injurious Speech
77. Judith Butler III: The Force of Fantasy and Racism
76. Judith Butler II: Imitation, Gender Insubordination
75. Judith Butler I: Performativity and Variations on Sex and Gender
74. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe IV: Hegemony and Radical Democracy
73. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe III: Beyond the Positivity of the Social: Antagonisms and Hegemony
72. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe II: The New Political Logic
71. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe I: The Genealogy of Hegemony
70. Antonio Negri IV: On Art: On the Event and the Body
69. Antonio Negri III: On Art: On Beauty
68. Antonio Negri II: On Art: the Sublime and Collective Work
67. Antonio Negri I: On Art: the Abstract and the Truth
66. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri XI: Identity Politics and Revolution
65. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri X: Economics of the Common Wealth
64. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri IX: Capital as a Social Relation
63. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri VIII: Republic of Property & Altermodernity
62. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri VII: Democracy
61. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri VI: The Multitude
60. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri V: War and Empire
59. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri IV: The Power of Production
58. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri III: Against Empire: Desertion, Exodus and Nomadism: The New Barbarians
57. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri II: Sovereignty
56. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri I: The Problematic of Empire
55. Slavoj Žižek V: Formal Democracy and Its Discontents
54. Slavoj Žižek IV: There Is No Sexual Relationship
53. Slavoj Žižek III: Fantasy in Cyberspace and 'Woman doesn't Exist'
52. Slavoj Žižek II: Fantasy as a Political Category
51. Slavoj Žižek I: The Undergrowth of Enjoyment, The Obscene Object of Postmodernity, The Spectre of Ideology
50. Susan Sontag V: Regarding the Pain of Others
49. Susan Sontag IV: The Image-World
48. Susan Sontag III: The Pornographic Imagination
47. Susan Sontag II: On Style and the Aesthetics of Silence
46. Susan Sontag I: Against Interpretation and Notes on 'Camp'
45. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari V: Schizoanalysis
44. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari IV: Stages of Societal development
43. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari III: Revolutionary Desire
42. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari II: The Faulty Logic of Desire
41. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari I: New Categories
40. Julia Kristeva IV: Modern Maternity & Feminism and Postmodern Feminism
39. Julia Kristeva III: The Abject
38. Julia Kristeva II: Meaning, Psychic Space and Language
37. Julia Kristeva I: The Subject in the Act of Meaning
36. Jacques Lacan IV: The Phallus and its Function in Human Relations
35. Jacques Lacan III: Psychopathology, Neurosis, Perversion and Psychosis
34. Jacques Lacan II: Jouissance, the Symptom and Fantasy
33. Jacques Lacan I: The Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real
32. Jean Baudrillard VI: Feminism and Femininity
31. Jean Baudrillard V: Seduction
30. Jean Baudrillard IV: Advertizing and Nihilism
29. Jean Baudrillard III: Alienation, Mass & the Implosion of Meaning in Media
28. Jean Baudrillard II: The Ambient Consumer and Postmodern Ethics
27. Jean Baudrillard I: Hyper-reality, 'Ambience' and an Affluent Society
26. Jean-François Lyotard: Meta-narrative and Language Games
25. Michel Foucault II: The Politics of Space, Transparency and Bio-power
24. Michel Foucault I: The Modern Concept of Man
23. Jacques Derrida: Deconstruction
22. What is Postmodernism?: An Introduction
21. Philosophy of Science: Science vs. Other Kinds of Knowledge
20. Philosophy of Science: The Problem of Demarcation
19. Philosophy of Science: The Scientific Method
18. Philosophy of Science: The Nature of Scientific Knowledge
17. Philosophy of Science: Conceptions of Science
16. Aesthetics: What is Beauty?
15. Theories of Human Motivation: Why are we?
14. Theories of Human Identity: Who are we?
13. Theories of Human Nature: What are we?
12. Metaphysics: What is there?
11. Epistemology: What can we know?
10. Problem Solving
9. World Problems
8. Utopia: An Ideal Society
7. What is the Examined Life?
6. What is Truth?
5. What is Evil and Why Does it Exist?
4. How Has Philosophy Helped Your Life?
3. What is Truth ?
2. A New Theory of Education
1. What is Education
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Kingston's Philosophy Club
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Club Schedule for the Next Few Months
Four Questions to ask for a Personally Practical philosophy